My Heart is Either in Countdown 10,9,8,... or in Cadence 123 123 123

Will I choose fear or love to direct my actions? 

Listening to your heart is an art that requires the ability to take action on the signals you are receiving.  We are not accustomed to honoring what our hearts are communicating and therefore we have lost the ability to trust ourselves. Instead we are on a holiday and we become mindless and numb to our inner knowing. The heart is what connects the mind to the body. When we listen to our heart and follow her signals we strengthen the body mind connection and we feel balanced, safe and loved. We are at home within and no longer actively seek to be heard through others. Instead we have created a space to actively hear the hearts of others as well.

The entrance to our heart is through nurturing. Nurturing implies a quality of tenderness and certainly takes time and attention. Your heart is nurtured through the blood and in turn how you nurture your heart will effect all of your organs as the blood is transported throughout your system. A way in which we can balance our hearts is through our foods.
The quality of our foods determines the quality of our blood and it may be true that the choices we make in what we eat represent the quality of the thoughts we are thinking.
Dr Mikio Sankey teaches that if we change our food we change our thinking and eating greens balances the heart. He also teaches that any resolution has to move through the energy of the heart and the importance of following your heart.

I have found the biggest challenge for most of us is making ourselves a priority.  If we decide that our hearts and bodies are worth listening to then Universe will support us by giving us the time it takes to accomplish this. Buckminster Fuller takes out the word “the” when describing Universe which I feel is his way of saying we are apart and effect the same whole. Universe is inclusive and The Universe implies that it is separate from us.

Joseph Rael, Beautiful Painted Arrow teaches that life is a perceptual reality.  For me this means that my actions are continually being supported by Universe and provides me with circumstances that reflect my beliefs. An example would be that I sometimes fall into panic and work becomes a priority over my health. I become fearful of not meeting my deadlines and neglect the simple routines that enhance my peace and endurance. In a crisis I reverse my priorities and I can see how the deadlines get managed better when I manage my health. Universe reflects that to me when time shifts to accommodate my routine and I learn to trust the process.

 I can also choose to see everyone as shallow and empty who are unable to be present or I can choose to see them as loving and full of wisdom. They are always some aspect of self that is being out pictured but needs integration. Paul Selig  in his book Love and Creation he channels work that addresses our frequency of love and that we access our frequencies through choice. When we know who we are then we know who our neighbor is. That is the art of being felt and heard at the highest level.

 We are all subject to the same conditioning and we are gradually shifting. As the planets shift and create newly formed geometrical patterns we are subject to the energy of their matrix. Dr. Sankey also works with the planetary grids and sets up geometrical patterns via acupuncture to balance the frequencies of the body through the heart. So that we can remain balanced within and tune to our higher frequencies while me move through the planetary changes. Leaving us with the ability to have a compassionate resolve through these challenging times of removing old patterns to create new ones.

Jose Arguelles taught that we live in a time where time equals money in the current Technosphere. He also stated that we are moving into the Noosphere which is where time equals art. During this transitory time we have the ability to move from energy that directs us from the outside to learning to direct the energy from within. 

It may be time for learning the discipline to control ourselves so we can develop our inner hearing instead of misplacing control on others just to be heard and avoid the responsibility. If we postpone  we become vulnerable to our heart attacking us for her attention. In the same way that we attack others for ours.

A  martial artist is fully present in learning the art of how to maximize the efficiency of his own energy. The attention is always on himself first and feeling through every movement while at the same time fully aware of the energy that is in his environment. Allowing himself to move in harmony he has the ability to be balanced and check in to the energy of others as well while not diminishing his personal connection to self. He can safely be present for others and not be threatened because he has mastered himself. 

Marta Monahan teaches to know your personal rights. She teaches how to speak up and develop courage by  no longer accepting violent behavior in others. In her book "The Courage to Be Brilliant" she teaches the first step is recognizing what is violent behavior. Not listening  to others she considers to be an act of violence.  Once you are aware of what is considered violent then you make the decision to no longer act violent. Once you do that you begin to develop the courage to no longer accept that behavior from others and speak up. Marta teaches speaking up in an elegant way to set your boundaries is non violent  and does not diminish others.

I believe once we recognize and shift these patterns on an intra-personal level we begin to change the energy on a global scale and larger agencies will no longer have the power to control us as a group.. As parents if we practice respecting the rights of our children within our families then we will be less attracted to institutions that use power and control to further condition them.  We longer submit our  families to  the years of conditioning we were subjected to. We will begin to discern for ourselves what feels right and we will be able to stand firmly in our truth.

If we removed the victim culture what would we look like as a society?  Freedom to create ,as you will it, from a place of love and respect that is non violent and elegant. We will no longer feel threatened by others. Those that choose to use the power of control will feel threatened by us instead because we have learned what our personal rights really are.