My Heartheart body Earth body Galactic Mind

I have attached an older article from Eric Francis of who clearly expresses our relationship to earth.

Eric states in his article...
" Lest the simplicity of this symbol be lost, I would note that rarely do we consider that our Earth is the centerpiece of our collective reality, the basis of all life as we know it, the home of the biosphere, the body of our bodies, the sustainer of our communities, our physical progenitor and the living sphere of evolution we all share. We are made of earth and we are part of the Earth. In contrast to ideas like "God," which register with many people as total abstractions, the Earth is tangible and always present, dependably beneath our feet, clinging to us. While we often say that "the Earth is in trouble" due to manufactured environmental conditions we now live with, I assure you that we are the ones who stand the most to lose by her injury or destruction."

Saturn and Jupiter are in opposition at this time and they are teeter tottering across the the North and South Nodes of Sagittarius and Gemini. Saturn and Jupiter are struggling with what we value and where we place value in others. Polarities exist in order to find the opportunity in which we can find the way to synthesize the energies. We find a new way to have a relationship when we meet in the middle and balance. We are about to move into the soul's calling of our North Node on top of a full moon on December 10th. Perhaps it is time to release where we empower others to determine our value and become more aware of our own virtues so that we can empower others to become self aware.

In this earth body of mine, I and the earth are one. We nuture and feed one another in order to support life for one another at this time and space. Disruptions of this flow are reflections of my awareness to this relationship.
This is where value determines how I will sustain or destroy relationship.

To the extent where I maintain this awareness and nuture I am capable of maintaining a system of self value without holding myself hostage to where others may or may not value me. However, I do need to place myself amongst others so that I may become aware of what gifts I have that are valued and I may reciprocate by experiencing their gifts and reflecting back to them. We eventually all return to the earth body relationship in order to feed ourselves and eachother.

But there is another aspect to who we are at this place in time that has to be considered in order to transcend the earth body and that is our relationship to our galactic minds. We are here on this earth within a galaxy, this galaxy is our cosmic mind. Our brains are both the cosmic infinite universe and the defined space of here and now at this moment. We are in direct relationship to the here and now via our earth body relationship and we are in the hear and now with our galactic mind intuitively connecting to the information in the heavens. In order for my soul to evolve I must have this relationship and in order for my soul to have a body to create I must eat. According to Dr. Mikio Sankey what we eat is a reflection of what is in our mind. You know what program you are playing by the foods you choose.

This is the time to take care of our thoughts as they are about to be amplified from our mind through space during a full moon.

Eat accordingly, think appropriately.


© June Kim, all rights reserved

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